More than 25 years of experience


We offer correcting texts for you and our proofreading service, i.e. page-proofs before going to print. In English, French, Spanish and Catalan. If in other languages, we will get hold of other professionals for the language you may require. In any case, proofreaders always work into their mother tongue.

The texts to be corrected can be originals or perhaps translations that need revising and correcting.

For your peace of mind, and ours, we will fully commit ourselves to keeping everything that will have been sent to us and will have been corrected or proofread confidential; and hence, for both parties to sign a confidentiality agreement.

If you wish to ask for an estimate -without obligation- you may send us your document so that we are able to peruse it and see what it entails.

Ask for an estimate

For your peace of mind, and ours for that matter, we wish to state we are fully committed to keeping everything that is said and translated confidential. Moreover, we are willing for both parties to sign a Confidentiality Agreement for that purpose.